The statement "We walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Cor. 5:7) is a familiar word from Paul that can be regarded as an encouraging note. This passage suggests that we should maintain our belief in God even if we cannot perceive Him with our eyes.

Walk by Faith

Believing in the impossible becoming possible through faith requires placing trust in God, and only then can we witness the wonders and miracles that life has to offer. However, to experience great things and miracles in life, it is necessary to have faith in God as the foundation.

God desires us to combine our faith with action, as our eyes can be misleading. Despite the possibility of our path becoming unclear, we can always rely on the truth of God's word.

Our walk of faith can be challenging and sometimes scary, but because GOD is powerful and omnipresent, we can step out in confidence today. Thanks be to God

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