Are you looking for Tetris Battle Cheats? The cheats that can give unlimited energy, unlimited armor and fully tuned gear. Well, I think you found it! I have the instruction below that can help you to play without boundaries, but of course, always remember that game is only a game so don't be too serious about it.

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By the way, the instruction below is not permanent so don't be persistent.

Tetris Battle Cheat Instructions:

You need to download the zip file named  here
After that, open the Fiddler (Install fiddler 2 if you don't have one. You can get fiddler2 on its official website)
Uncompressed the zip file named ""
Then drag the files to the Fiddler AutoResponder tab
Always be sure that the "Enable automatic response" and "Unmatched request pass through" are both marked.
Open your Google Chrome Browser and clear the cache
Then Start playing Tetris Battle on Facebook.

Tetris Battle  Tips:

The 2P or 2-player mode is generally the most playable mode of Tetris Battle, the 2 players are trying to knock each other out of the game. You need to remember these two point.

First! you need to be fast. Always use the space-bar for "instant drop" and be careful on putting your brick location. The faster you are, the more lines you will clear.

Then second point is the Combination Lines. If you can make up to 4 lines counts, the more chance of you to knock out your opponent. Don't stick in just a single line, it will not help you to defeat your opponent. The more combinations lines you made, the more chances to flood your opponent's screen.

Disclaimer: The instructions above are given not to be copyrighted but to be shared as an information guide only. See my disclaimer at the footer section for more details.

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